Estate Planning
Our Expertise

Protect Your Life And Legacy Goals Through Well-Thought-Out Estate Planning
“Estate planning” is a term that has different meanings to a lot of people. In general, however, estate planning simply refers to the process that a single person or married couple goes through to not only create a Will or trust to control their assets at their death, but it generally also involves creating powers of attorney and medical directives to give instructions identifying the persons you want making decisions for you if you are not competent to make decisions. While powers of attorney are discussed elsewhere in the site, we focus on other aspects of estate planning here.
Protect Your Life And Legacy Goals Through Well-Thought-Out Estate Planning
Estate planning at its best is an ongoing process over a lifetime. An individual or a couple will naturally have a different perspective at different stages of life. A good foundation with appropriate documents should be reviewed and possibly updated every three to five years or when there is a major change in someone’s family circumstances, such as:
- When families change through marriage, births, divorce or deaths
- When minor children become adults
- When long-term legal and financial priorities change, such as after someone has started a business
You can enjoy peace of mind when you know your affairs are in order and your family will be cared for and ready to respect your wishes in case of the unexpected.
The Bassin Law Firm is a California law firm that has helped countless families navigate the challenges of crafting a solid estate plan. For more than 40 years, we have helped countless families. Some families have simple, uncomplicated desires, while other families have complex needs to address unique situations. Virtually all families have a desire to minimizes taxes, protect future generations from liability concerns, and to ensure that their plans are carried out effectively. The attorneys Bassin Law Firm provide wise counsel to all of these families to help them craft the best solution to meet their individual family’s needs the best.
Elements Of A Complete Estate Plan
You can rely on our professional guidance through all phases of estate planning. Our clients come from all walks of life – some with modest assets and others with extensive, complex assets. We customize our services to meet individual needs.
A simple plan might include just a few documents:
- A Will with trusts for children or grandchildren, if appropriate
- A financial power of attorney
- A medical power of attorney
- A living Will (also known as a Directive to Physicians).
More extensive planning may include more involved, sophisticated tools such as:
- Special needs trusts
- Complex Wills incorporating trusts
- Complex strategies for minimizing taxes at the death of one spouse or another
- Strategies designed to maximize a family’s control over assets, such as the creation of a family limited partnership (FLP)
- Foundations to purposefully channel extraordinary wealth portfolios
Request A Review Of Your Estate Planning Needs
In our initial meetings with each client, we evaluate the client’s needs and discuss their intentions for their estate plan. Following the initial meeting, we prepare drafts of your documents for you to review and develop questions. Once we have answered all of your questions and made any corrections, we will assist you in making sure that your documents are executed to comply with California law. The Bassin Law Firm provides a robust service to all of its clients. To begin discussing your estate planning needs, please call us at 415-752-6200 or send an email
Planning an Estate
In planning for the distribution of real and personal property upon death, we offer advice and guidance with regard to the following:
- Living trusts
- Last Will and Testament
- Durable Power of Attorney (for financial matters)
- Limited and Springing Powers of Attorney
- Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare
- Living Will